Casino Gambling Systems

Here's my list of the best casino gambling systems. Please don't see them as a way to get rich quick, they are for fun only.
Unless otherwise shown, I've chosen Roulette as the default game, but many can be used in Blackjack, Baccarat etc. I'm not claiming that these are all original systems, it's just a collection of the best ones that I could find, or think of
1 - Oscars Grind. Start with 1 on Black or Red. Each time you win, go 1 unit higher until you get a losing bet. Stick to the level you are at until another win, then go 1 unit higher again.
2 - 1,3,2,6 progression. Start with 1, go up the sequence only on a winning bet. Any losing bet, go back to 1 unit.
3- 2 Dozens. Bet 1 unit on a 'Dozens' section, and 2 units on another Dozens. If one wins, increase the bet on the losing section by 1 unit, take the bet off the winning section, and place 1 unit on the Dozen that was not covered in the first bet. Carry on, increasing stake by 1 unit a time. If no win, increase bet by 1 unit on the same Dozens.
4 - Paroli Progression. Start with 1 unit. Double your bet after a win, If you lose at any stage, go back to 1 unit.
5 - Fibonnaci Progression. Bet 1 unit. If it loses, bet 1 unit. If that loses, bet 2 units. Any further bets are the sum of the previous two bets like this - 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,. Stop at a winner.
6 - Put 1 unit on the '1st 12' section, and 1 unit on '19 to 36'. This covers 30 of the 37 numbers in European Roulette.
7 - Parlay. Bet 1  it wins, add winnings to your original stake and bet again. If that wins, add all winnings together and bet again. If you are feeling brave, do it again. Go back to 1 unit after any losing bet.
The rest of this article, and loads of general Casino information, can be found on my website.

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