One Sports Betting System is Not Enough
Many sports gamblers believe they are one betting system away from being dirty rotten stinking rich. The belief has been subliminally inserted into their minds by scammers who promise to give them the system they dream of. In fact, the scammers sales page does nothing but talk about how much money you will make with no risk, just to put you in dream world. The Lamborghini is pictured several times. A claim is even made of making $70,000 in a weekend along with the implication you can do the same thing with his system. It's a scam transferred from late nite infomercials to the internet.
Can the system win? Let's take the $70,000 example. If the system calls for a game, you need enough of a bankroll to fund the whole thing. That can be up to 18 units. The odds really suck on the games because the bookies are well aware of the system and the games users are likely to bet. So they make you pay dearly, knowing you will if you believe in miracles. Just to keep the math simple, 70,000 X 18 = 1,260,000. That is the potential amount you would need to be able to risk to chase that $70,000. Even if you found good odds and only had to risk 10 units, that's $700,000. Got that kind of cash? Got a book you trust to cover and payout that bet?
Not only is it not possible to win any real money using the system, but it does lose. And even if it never lost, you could not expect to make anywhere near the amount of money promised you in the sales pitch. It should be obvious that you can never win more than you risk, but the dream over rides common sense for those who buy such systems.
Even if it the system works with smaller bets, it is still not enough for you to win a lot of money. If you show me a sports gambler that relies on a single betting system I will show you a losing sports bettor. Or at least one that doesn't win very much money.
A winner would never put all their eggs in one basket. The risk must be spread out, it cannot be eliminated. The only way to do that is to bet many systems that provide a small edge in your favor on every bet.
Can the system win? Let's take the $70,000 example. If the system calls for a game, you need enough of a bankroll to fund the whole thing. That can be up to 18 units. The odds really suck on the games because the bookies are well aware of the system and the games users are likely to bet. So they make you pay dearly, knowing you will if you believe in miracles. Just to keep the math simple, 70,000 X 18 = 1,260,000. That is the potential amount you would need to be able to risk to chase that $70,000. Even if you found good odds and only had to risk 10 units, that's $700,000. Got that kind of cash? Got a book you trust to cover and payout that bet?
Not only is it not possible to win any real money using the system, but it does lose. And even if it never lost, you could not expect to make anywhere near the amount of money promised you in the sales pitch. It should be obvious that you can never win more than you risk, but the dream over rides common sense for those who buy such systems.
Even if it the system works with smaller bets, it is still not enough for you to win a lot of money. If you show me a sports gambler that relies on a single betting system I will show you a losing sports bettor. Or at least one that doesn't win very much money.
A winner would never put all their eggs in one basket. The risk must be spread out, it cannot be eliminated. The only way to do that is to bet many systems that provide a small edge in your favor on every bet.
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